Space Request Forms

Existing, Cornell-owned space must be utilized as effectively as possible in order to support desired growth.  Any endeavors that require additional space should be addressed first within a unit’s current allocation, then within the unit’s lead college or division.  A space request form should be submitted when space in addition to current college or division holdings is required.   All requests will be reviewed by the Director of Capital and Space Planning and then directed to the Space Use Advisory Committee for final review, endorsement, and comment if warranted. SUAC endorsement leverages support from the office of Space Planning and participation of potential partners in solving the need, but actual resolution is not guaranteed.  The requesting unit always retains primary responsibility to solve or mitigate the need.

Two forms are available.  Please read the description of each and submit the form most appropriate to your situation. Directions are provided at the top of each form.  All submissions require the signature of an appropriate dean, vice president or vice provost before they will be considered.   Contact the Director at [email protected] if you have questions.


Space Request (Workflow | Fillable pdf form)
Complete and submit this form for most space requests. Complete as much of the form as you can, at a level of detail that you believe will be most helpful to describing the situation and need. The form is designed to capture a very wide range of space requests, so not every field may be relevant to every request.

Program Template with Directions (xls | pdf)
The Program Template is a fairly simple excel spreadsheet that can be used to outline the types of spaces needed, the size of the spaces, key adjacency issues, etc. It can be used to think through a specific request in more detail. The completed template can be submitted as supporting documentation for a space request.

Request to Lease Space (Fillable PDF form)
Complete and submit this form in situations that require leasing space to meet a programmatic need.  This form should be completed as early as possible in the process of identifying leased space and must be complete before Real Estate will engage in lease negotiations. Unit Facility Directors or College Officers should serve as the primary point of contact with Cornell Real Estate in identifying and negotiating lease arrangements.  Additional guidance regarding lease best practices and approvals can be found here.